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Dentures are a great replacement for missing teeth that can be taken out and put back into the mouth. They can either be a complete denture which replaces all the missing teeth in one (or both) jaws, or that can be a partial denture designed to fill in gaps. At IDC all options are considered to get you the most comfortable replacement set of dentures possible.

Denture services we provide include:
  • Complete Dentures: Complete dentures are needed when there are no teeth at all on the top or bottom or both.
  • Implant Dentures: Implant dentures are complete dentures that are held in place via a titanium dental implant. This provides you with much more stability during eating and talking. We do not do the implant surgery here in the laboratory but can organise this for you thru a dental surgeon. Once the surgery is complete you can return to us for the fabrication of your new implant dentures.
  • Partial Dentures: A partial denture is needed when you have one or more teeth missing and a "plate" is made to fill the gaps. These can be made in either metal or acrylic.
  • Denture Relines: A reline is needed when your current denture is lose or ill fitting. This can be done for both the top and bottom jaw.
  • Denture Repairs: We can also repair broken or damaged dentures and offer EMERGENCY denture repair.
Acquiring dentures - what to expect?

The process of getting dentures generally takes place over a few weeks. At the beginning, your mouth is studied and measured through means of models or impressions, in order to ensure pinpoint accuracy. At the next visits shape and colour will be carefully assessed. Finally your dentist precisely adjusts and places the completed denture. The dentist will take time to ensure the dentures look natural and feel comfortable.

You may experience temporary soreness, increased saliva flow, and difficulty swallowing or speaking. These sensations will subside as your muscles and tissues rapidly acclimate to the new dentures.

Immediate or same day Dentures:

Your dentist may choose to make immediate dentures depending on your mouth. After teeth are extracted, the soft, sensitive parts of your mouth will be sore and they can take a little while to heal and settle down. Immediate or same day dentures can be worn while the healing takes place.

Having to have teeth extracted and dentures made to replace them can be upsetting, but it's a very common procedure which millions of people undertake every year.