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Our clinic has received a Letter of Commendation from WHO(World Health Organization) for supporting the organization in its Global Challenge for patient safety in reducing healthcare associated infections.

After attending to one patient and before attending the next patient all doctors and assistants disinfect their hands with surface disinfectant.

As your care and protection is our top priority, all doctors and dental assistants wear disposable face masks, gloves and head caps. We use only disposable suction tips and water cups. We follow a strict sterilization protocol. All instruments are thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed with detergent, and then they are put in the Ultrasonic Cleaner (Pic 1) to remove any remaining debris. All the instruments are then packed & sealed in Autoclavable Pouches (Pic 2) & kept in a Digital Autoclave (Pic 3)at 130O to kill all the pathogenic bacteria, viruses & spores for your complete protection & care. All sterilized instruments are stored in an Ultraviolet Chamber (Pic 4).

Plastics which can not be autoclaved are immersed in chemical Disinfectant/ sterilizer ALDASAN 2000 is manufactured in Germany disinfecting agent for instruments, equipment and surfaces. It can be used of disinfecting instruments for totally killing bacteria and germs. It can also be used for disinfecting medical rooms and surfaces.

As all the instruments can not be subjected to high temperatures of autoclave. We use chemical sterilizing solution Aldasan 2000, for such instruments wherein, the instruments are immersed in the solution for 1 hour.